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How much does it cost to get rid of Termites?

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Termites are undoubtedly the last thing a homeowner wants to deal with. They are pests that can instil terror in anybody, particularly given that they have a reputation for wreaking havoc on almost any building.

There’s a big possibility that if you discover a termite infestation in your house, you’ll want to contact a specialist immediately to resolve it. But what is the price of termite treatment? That depends on various circumstances, but in this price guide, we’ll offer you all the details you need to know about what to budget for termite extermination services.

We’ll look at typical termite treatment prices, several methods your pest control specialist could use to eliminate any termites you have, and how to keep them out permanently.

What Is the Price of Termite Treatment?

The average termite treatment cost in the United States is around $575, with most sessions costing between $230 and $930. The size of your house, the severity of your termite infestation, and the location of the infestation may all impact the ultimate cost, however.

Like other pest control issues, termite problems may be resolved quickly with a single visit or more laboriously with comprehensive fumigation of your home. Without a professional exterminator or pest control specialist coming out for a consultation, it is impossible to know for sure.

The average cost of termite control is shown in the table below, along with low- and high-end pricing. We’ll go into more detail about what you can anticipate from services at various pricing levels.

Costs by Type of Treatment

An exterminator will recommend the most effective treatment after determining the extent of the termite infestation on your property. However, the price of various termite treatments varies.

Bait Station

An exterminator will install bait stations around your property as part of a bait station treatment, after which the termites will return the bait to their colony and start to die. After that, the exterminator will often check on the tricks to ensure the termites still eat the food. The cost of the bait station treatment per linear foot varies from $7 to $11.


The exterminator will administer termiticide, a chemical remedy, to the soil around the termite infestation. Once exposed to these chemical insecticides, the termites eventually perish. The price per linear foot for this termiticide treatment varies from $4 to $14.50.

Fumigation by Gas

Professionals may advise gas fumigation, which requires tenting off your whole house and injecting harmful gas if you have a severe termite infestation. The termite colony will be eradicated once the gas reaches your home. $1 to $4 per square foot or $10 to $20 per linear foot is the price range for this gas fumigation.

Heat Therapy

In addition, your exterminator could suggest moving forward with heat treatment in significant termite infestations. The experts will tent your home and heat it until the structural wood reaches 120 degrees Fahrenheit, which is a perfect substitute for fumigating. The intense heat will destroy the termites. This heat treatment is offered from $1 to $2.50 per square foot or $10 per linear foot.

Having an exterminator come out to examine is the first thing you should do if you think you have a termite issue. The price of termite treatment for your property will be more apparent. The following variables might affect your pricing quote:

Size of Your House

The amount of land the exterminator must cover will determine the termite treatment cost. The price of tenting and fumigation is four times more than the price of whole-home therapy, which may occasionally reach $2,500. Meanwhile, more straightforward applications might cost anything from $200 to $900.

Kind and Quantity of Treatments

Termites may be eradicated from your house and the regions around it in a variety of methods. And it will also have an impact on the cost. Chemical treatments are often charged per linear foot, with necessary treatments costing anything from $3 to $16 per linear foot.

You may need ongoing treatment to eliminate all termites from your house. Similarly, bait systems cost between $8 and $12 per linear foot and need more than one visit.

Your typical house might cost up to $2,500 if your exterminator believes the issue is severe enough to call for tenting and fumigation. A more natural option called heat treatment, which may cost between $800 and $2,500, also calls for tenting.

Size of Termite Infestation

Determining the extent of the termite infestation after it has been established on your property is crucial. A mature colony of termites may include thousands or a million termites, while termite colonies may range from two to hundreds. These sizable termite colonies might swiftly harm the structure of your house.

Damage Repair And Moisture Removal

It’s essential to think about what you can do to prevent a termite infestation to ensure it doesn’t happen again. For termites, dampness, for example, is sufficient. To lessen the possibility of a new infestation, ensure any possible moisture sources, such as leaking pipes or clogged gutters, are eliminated. Removing and replacing the damaged wood as quickly as possible is the next stage in defending your property from fresh termite infestations.

Cost of a Termite Inspection

Termites have the potential to spread so swiftly that they are now routinely inspected as part of house inspection procedures in most real estate transactions. Since termite damage may significantly lower a home’s value, these inspections are crucial for real estate transactions.

Although this check ranges from $85 to $300, it is worthwhile. To prevent new homeowners from settling into a house with a dark secret, it is intended to detect whether termites are present in the place and, if they are, to evaluate the severity of the damage and the kind of termite treatment required. To know whether a house has wood-destroying organisms, you must conduct a Wood-Destroying Organism (WDO) examination that complies with specific requirements.

Three Termite Subtypes

Drywood, damp wood, and subterranean termites are the three different varieties of termites that may be found in the US. Therefore, if you’re wondering how much termite treatment costs, be aware that prices might change based on your kind of termite.

Underground termites

Subterranean termites are the most prevalent and destructive form of termite in the United States. These are tough to remove since they hide in the dirt below your house.

Chemicals or baits are often used to treat these aggressive termites. Since they reside underground, tent fumigation is often less successful against this termite. Termite treatment typically costs between $220 and $875.

Drywood Termites

Termites are notorious for congregating in locations with moist wood. However, as their name suggests, dry wood termites will consume dry lumber. Drywood termites will be drawn to whatever dead wood you have in your house. The cost of treating dry wood termites ranges from $225 to $2,500, and your exterminator will use baits or a chemical gel to get rid of them.

Dampwood Termites

Termites that consume wet wood. The most straightforward approach to protect your house against this kind of termite is to remove any moist or dead wood from the surrounding area and any standing water (in some instances, this may necessitate your land). If you become a victim of a damp wood termite infestation, treatment costs typically range from $220 to $2,500.

Termite Signs in Your Home

Termites are a silent nuisance, unlike some others. They only come out at night, and they don’t smell. Therefore, there are a few ways to discover if termites have invaded your house and are growing under your feet. There are several red flags to look out for. What to check for if you think you have termites includes the following:

  • Frass signifies pests like termites, carpenter ants, and carpenter bees. It develops in heaps next to wood buildings and resembles sawdust.
  • Bubbling floors or walls: If you see soft-to-the-touch bubble-like texturing on your walls or floors, termites may destroy the wood supporting it.
  • Mud tubes: Verify your home’s foundation. Do you observe vertical brown or grey lines like mud dauber nests? If so, this can indicate that there are termites in the area. These tubes are how they enter your house.
  • Tiny, white wings: As termites lose their wings and tunnel into the wood, this indicates the presence of a new colony of termites in your house.

Termite Prevention Techniques

As a homeowner, you should always prioritize taking precautions to make your house safe and secure, including protection against pests like termites. A termite infestation may be avoided in several different ways:

  • Don’t let water get near your foundation.
  • Make careful you use mulch properly and sparingly.
  • Never store firewood next to a foundation or in a crawl area.
  • Remove any wood that touches the earth. Crawl areas should have less dampness and humidity.
  • Have a termiticide professionally applied to your house.


What is the duration of the termite treatment?

Treatments for termites might last between one and two years. Termites may, however, reappear. You could use a treatment management plan to keep a lookout for them and inspect bait and traps monthly or biannually; a visit typically costs between $25 and $50.

Is it possible to stop termites?

Termite control may be expensive. As a result, many homeowners ask whether there is a method to stop them. There are a few things you can do to potentially stop termites from ever invading your home, assuming you haven’t moved into a house that is currently under assault from them:

Get frequent inspections: Call a termite specialist to examine your house to determine whether you have a termite issue. This is not only the most excellent way to avoid termites, but it is also beneficial to get rid of any existing termites before they do further damage.

Sealing up foundation fissures will prevent termites. Don’t let them inside. Termites may infiltrate your house via cracks and holes in the foundation. Consult a professional or home inspector if you aren’t proficient at doing this or don’t know where to look for fundamental fractures.

Dead wood should be removed from your property: Dead or decaying wood is the best attraction for termites. And it doesn’t simply apply to the design of your house. Keeping wood piles on your property that aren’t weather-sealed is a specific method to attract termites. So, to avoid a termite infestation, keep your home tidy and clear of wood and other garbage.

Can I take care of the termite problem myself?

While DIY termite treatment is possible, nothing, in this case, is as successful as working with a reputable pest control business.

Is insurance going to pay for the termite treatment?

A homeowner’s insurance policy often does not cover termite eradication and damage.

Can I sell a termite-infested home?

Even if your house has had or now has a termite infestation, you may still sell it. However, you would need to make prospective purchasers aware of the termite problem, which is probably a barrier.

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